Bring Your Kids to Work Day: A Jam-Packed Day of Innovation and Fun
Triangle celebrated the annual Bring Your Kids To Work Day in great style once again. Starting with breakfast for all of our Triangle Kids, the day was jam-packed with activities that challenged their imaginations, their teamwork and their critical thinking. In addition to “building a better mousetrap” contest supervised by our Advanced Engineering Group, the kids had an extraordinary opportunity to design and produce original Triangle logo concepts that were brought to life in our 3D printer. They were given an index card, drawing implements, and free reign to design an original concept. Over 30 logos were submitted and 14 designs were modeled using CAD software. The 14 winners received their 3D printed version as a trophy. From imagination to realization – the Triangle way!

Associate Monica M. assists future engineers with their “drill skills”!

Associate Tiffany A. with her sons

Associate Eric G. with his daughter